We had posted The Big Quiz #2 on the blog back on April 19th. We were supposed to post the answers on the blog tomorrow
However, we wanted to ensure all who wanted to participate had a chance before we post the answers...so we have extended the deadline for participation.
We will post the answers next Saturday, May 7, 2011, here on the blog. As well, we will be sharing those same answers live on air during the May 8, 2011 broadcast of the DJ Joe D Show on the Glow Radio starting at 10AM Eastern (http://www.theglowradio.com/).
So let's get those thinking caps back on...because you have a few more extra days to play!
This quiz is straightforward: Simply name the Academy Award best picture winners for each year from 1980 to 2011.
You can leave your answers in the comments section of the original entry from April 19--It's Time For The Big Quiz #2" or in this blog entry. Since many people will be participating and can see the answers everyone else leaves...let's make this a cooperative quiz...if you see an answer missing for one of the years...simply add it in!
The objective is to get answers for all the years! So work together. I'll help you out to start by giving you the 2011 winner...of course it was The King's Speech.
So get to it folks...we'll post the answers on the blog on May 7 and read them live on air on the May 8 DJ Joe D Show on The Glow Radio! So that gives you just a little more than one week to get going. Good luck and thanks for participating!
Best Picture of 2009: The Hurt Locker