Sunday, January 30, 2011

Radio Challenge List

Hello DJ Joe D Show listeners

You heard me mention on the air today (Jan. 30) while introducing this week's Novelty Song of the Week, Life is a Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me) by Reunion, that I wanted to you compile your listing of up to 10 "pop culture" references heard in the song (pop culture for 1974).

There are over 100 references in the song and I gave you a couple during the intro.  If you are up to the challenge, leave your listing in the comments section.  I will read out some of the best live on next week's DJ Joe D Show!

Here is the song in full if you didn't get a chance to listen today and want to participate; or if you want to keep listening to it over & over to get all 100+ references:

Thanks again for listening to the DJ Joe D Show!

1 comment:

  1. I heard The Archies, Rolling Stone Magazine, Deep Purple and ZZ Top

    Cool challenge!


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