The above is a picture of Wrigley Field in Chicago. The baseball shrine, known as the home of the NL's Chicago Cubs is being used this weekend to host a U.S. College Football game.
However, when the field was finally prepped for the football game, it was discovered that the eastern side end-zone (on right side of picture) abuts a solid brick wall (think the famous ivy covered outfield wall during the baseball season)!
To avoid serious injury due to the lack of room in that end-zone...the NCAA, for this game only, will essentially change the rules to "switch sides" for all possessions, meaning all scoring drives, by either team, will move toward and occur in the western side end-zone!
For those fans who bought tickets in the eastern side end-zone, all is not lost...all kickoffs by either team will be made into that end-zone before the sides are changed for offensive possessions. Those fans may end up with a souvenir!
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